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Notes from the Market

Two questions. One: Are you following us on Instagram? Two: Does it feel like summer officially began? Based on last weekends' market we are going to go with a resounding "yes".

With that in mind a few notes if you'll indulge us...

-The Market is busiest between 11-11:30. If you want to avoid the crowds come down before.

-We have compost, trash, and recycling at the Market. Make sure you're putting your waste in the correct buckets. It saves us some sticky arms and loads of work at the end of the Market. These are for the items you purchase at the Market, like tacos, egg sammies, etc...please don't bring your compost from home. To learn more about home composting check out this article

-Please use public parking located throughout GB, and not reserved spaces when you come to the Market. Better yet, carpool with friends so you can stroll together!

 Question-Are you following us on Instagram and Facebook?

Tip-You can see all the upcoming Market Special Events, like music, kids event, and book signings, 