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Notes from the Market

Two questions. One: Are you following us on Instagram? Two: Does it feel like summer officially began? Based on last weekends' market we are going to go with a resounding "yes".

With that in mind a few notes if you'll indulge us...

-The Market is busiest between 11-11:30. If you want to avoid the crowds come down before.

-We have compost, trash, and recycling at the Market. Make sure you're putting your waste in the correct buckets. It saves us some sticky arms and loads of work at the end of the Market. These are for the items you purchase at the Market, like tacos, egg sammies, etc...please don't bring your compost from home. To learn more about home composting check out this article

-Please use public parking located throughout GB, and not reserved spaces when you come to the Market. Better yet, carpool with friends so you can stroll together!

 Question-Are you following us on Instagram and Facebook?

Tip-You can see all the upcoming Market Special Events, like music, kids event, and book signings, 


February News

Oh hello there, how are you?

It's Febuary, we've been reviewing vendor applications and planning for the season. Our farmers have finalized their crop lists, and seeds are rolling in. JP and Marian of Justamere Tree Farm will have their first run of sap soon. This Friday you can hear them on WAMC Food FridayMayflower farm has welcomed a handful of new lambs. Lots of delicious food and great community events are coming your way. Including our first ever fundraiser. A night of storytelling at the Mahaiwe and at noon today TICKETS are ON SALE!  The winter world is starting to stretch its limbs and search for spring. How are you staying busy this season? Take care of yourself, we miss you and hope to see you soon!
-Your Market Managers

Food stories to support the Market

We are beyond excited to be hosting our first fundraiser! 


Join us for a night of storytelling at the Mahaiwe, akin The Moth or Snap Judgement. From Farmers to Chefs we have a great lineup ready to share their food stories. Proceeds from your ticket purchase will go towards our nutrition assistance programs. At the Market, we double SNAP, WIC and Senior Farmers Market Checks. Help us protect and support this program that brings food into the homes of local families.  Keep scrolling down to find out who our special guest storyteller is... 

A note on ticket pricing: While we hope you'll support the Market nutrition assistance programs by making a full price purchase, we don't want the price to stand in the way of you attending this community event!!! If $25 is outside of your budget shoot us an email and we will send you a code for reduced-price tickets. EBT customers bring your card as proof of enrollment and you can purchase tickets directly at the Mahaiwe for a special price.

Julia Turshen, special guest storyteller!!!

Best selling author of Small VictoriesFeed the Resistance, and Now and Again. She has written for The New York Times, The Washington PostThe Wall Street Journal, VogueBon AppétitFood & Wine, and Saveur. Founder ofEATT an inclusive digital directory of women/non-binary individuals in food,podcast hostactivistcook,  friend crush...Julia lives in the Hudson Valley with her wife and pets. So excited to hear her story, aren't you?

dysfunctional love story

Do you use a dehydrator to preserve the harvest? This is the one I DREAM of, bonus it looks like it came out of your grandma's 1980's kitchen. Here's a list of other great choices. 

Zero waste valentines for your day

Spread that love why don't ya? 

Do you have Valentine's plans? 

Personally, I'm a  fan of the joyful alternative of galentiniesHowever, spending time with anyone you love is a good idea.  This is at the Mahaiwe, and our sponsor 20 Rail Road has a great menu.  Sounds like a plan.

Fredrick Douglas chose Feb 14  as his birthday  

Recalling this article from NPR about how food was used as a form of social control. Encouraging everyone to sign up for this 21 day challenge

How your food choices can affect climate change

There are a lot of reasons the support your local farms. Not only does it help the local economy, lead to healthier food choices, and promote more sustainable agriculture practices, it also reduces your carbon footprint. 

Winter Farmers Market and signing up for a CSA.

Berkshire Grown's February Market is this weekend. What a great way to spend your Saturday morning. Or start planning for summer and use their "find a farm" feature to locate a CSA near you. Are you on SNAP? Worried you won't be able to afford a share? There are options for you, through the share the bounty program reach out.

Need help with food or fuel this winter?

We all need help sometimes, there are groups in the Berkshires who are happy to provide it.

Just a reminder

The days are getting  L O N G E R 

We are looking for 2019 Market Sponsors. Is your business interested? Send us an email and let us know. 

Just a few ways sponsorship helps us...

double SNAP, WIC, and Senior FMC


provide special events

replace old equipment

maintain our website and newsletter